Real Estate Courses

这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.

REST 80 - Real Estate Principles    ( 3.00 - Units )
Real and personal property acquisition, ownership, estates in real property, joint tenancies, partnerships, sales contracts, homesteads, deeds and taxes. 融资方法,房地产实践和房地产业务的监管.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 了解房地产在社会中的重要性
  2. 培养与他人沟通房地产利益的能力
  3. 学生将能够解释不动产和个人财产的区别
  4. 培养对适当的财产收购的批判性思维能力

REST 81A - Legal Aspects of Real Estate    ( 3.00 - Units )
California law as applied to real estate problems; origin and sources of California real estate law; contracts in general; real estate contracts; law of agency and regulation of agents; classification of property; easements; acquisition and transfer of interests of property; methods and incidents of ownership; land description; recordation.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够解释房地产法律的基本运作
  2. 了解合同义务吗
  3. 认识到法律指引在房地产交易中的重要性
  4. 学生将能够列出各种类型的替代性争议解决方案

REST 82A - Real Estate Appraisal    ( 3.00 - Units )
Real Estate appraisals, the appraisal process, and approaches, methods, and techniques used to determine value of various types of property; current trends, neighborhood analysis, and preparing an appraisal report; emphasis on residential and single-unit property.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify the characteristics of value
  2. 认识到评估在社会中的作用和好处
  3. 学生将能够列出评估的用途.
  4. Understand and explain appraisal reports

REST 83 - Real Estate Finance    ( 3.00 - Units )
Financing transactions in the real estate business and in lending institutions; analysis of money markets, interest rates and real estate financing. 融资程序,住宅和商业融资.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 了解政府政策在房地产金融中的作用
  2. 学生将能够列出一级抵押贷款市场和二级抵押贷款市场的区别.
  3. 培养识别有吸引力的房地产融资方案的能力
  4. 解释一级和二级市场的房地产融资选择和项目

REST 84 - Real Estate Practice    ( 3.00 - Units )
经营房地产业务的原则和实用技巧. Emphasis on daily activities of brokers and salesperson; introduction to appraising, exchanges, listings, advertising, financing, and marketing. 交易所、专业经纪、物业管理、专业公关.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 了解房地产公司为公众服务的方式
  2. 培养为个人客户选择正确的房地产交易的能力
  3. 用清晰易懂的语言解释不同的房地产交易
  4. 学生将能够列出不同类型的房地产上市协议

REST 88 - Real Estate Property Management    ( 3.00 - Units )
本课程涵盖房地产物业管理, which, in a broad sense, is the administration, operation, and maintenance of a piece of real estate. 该书介绍了不同类型的管理物业,从农村的单单元住宅物业到市中心的高层办公大楼. 详细审查了有关财产管理的联邦、州和地方法律. 每个物业都有物业经理和物业管理计划的目标和目的. This class reviews in detail the structure, strategy, implementation, 包括政府和法律方面的管理大大小小的财产. 这门课探讨了紧急程序的复杂性, risk management, 刑事和安全预防措施,并限制各种风险,因为它涉及到管理和拥有房地产.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 描述为符合政府规定而对房屋进行的无障碍改造
  2. 解释物业经理和资产经理之间的区别
  3. 说出并解释影响物业管理的商业周期
  4. 描述物业管理行业如何帮助公众和房地产用户.
  5. 描述物业经理与建筑行业的关系.
  6. 解释物业管理领域如何为物业业主提供服务.

REST 90 - Exam Preparation: CA Licensing    ( 2.00 - Units )
本课程旨在帮助学生为加州DRE执照考试做准备. 在准备过程中,许多房地产主题都以考试的形式涵盖. The following will be covered: Real and personal property acquisition, ownership, estates in real property, joint tenancies, partnerships, sales contracts, homesteads, deeds and taxes. 融资方法,房地产实践和房地产业务的监管.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 应用策略,在加州考试中发挥个人的最大潜力
  2. 区分各种房地产合同
  3. 列出并解释房地产合同的强制性组成部分
  4. 学生将能够准确地使用房地产术语.
  5. 学生将能够解释个人财产和不动产之间的区别.
  6. 学生将能够解释房地产板块和房地产乡镇的区别.